Stabilizing orange juice with natural additives
Well, at the supermarket I found this orange juice obtained by simple squeezing, without the addition of additives to stabilize the suspension of pulp particles. Let’s get to the point, does this product attract the consumer? Some of those who appreciate the simplicity of the composition will certainly choose it. But many will think that there is something wrong with that product. Maybe they added water? Of course not. However, there are two ways to convince the consumer to buy that orange juice: a healthy and correct education campaign, or, alternatively, the formulation is modified by adding a natural stabilizer extracted from the albedo (the white part of the citrus peel) through an enzymatic process, entirely biological and nothing artificially synthesized. The second path is quicker, more effective and accessible, because unfortunately educating is very difficult, especially with the proliferation of misinformation so the consumer no longer knows who to believe.
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