Low cost technologies and traditional ingredients for the production of affordable, nutritionally correct foods improving health in population groups at risk of poverty

The CHANCE project aims to develop attractive and affordable food products that can help preventing nutritional problems in people at risk of poverty in Europe. To be able to address the issue of poor nutrition in risk of poverty populations and thereby prevent related problems it is important to gain knowledge about the population groups of concern. Who are they? What are their common nutritional problems? What are the determinants? And what solution do they believe in?

CHANCE is a project funded under the European Commission’s 7th Framework Programme, which aims at studying these factors closer. Based on the findings CHANCE will explore ingredients and raw materials that may be used for production of food products to address the identified nutritional problems – food products that will be both affordable and attractive to the identified target populations.
Meet the Coordinators
Podcasts with Francesco Capozzi and Alessandra Bordoni

The CHANCE project is coordinated by Professor Francesco Capozzi and Professor Alessandra Bordoni at the University of Bologna. The multi-disiplinary project consortium consists of 17 partners from 9 European countries.
Listen to CHANCE coordinators Francesco Capozzi and Alessandra Bordoni from the University of Bologna talk about the project, explaining what CHANCE foods are, how they will be developed and their importance for people at risk of poverty in Europe.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration.
Grant agreement ID | 266331 |
Start date | 1 February 2011 |
End date | 31 July 2014 |
Funded under | Specific Programme “Cooperation”: Food, Agriculture and Biotechnology |
Total cost | € 3 968 828,88 |
EU contribution | € 2 999 807,00 |